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Image4 1024APRIL 2024

Ministerial visit

The Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry visited us – thank you for all the encouragement!
We hope he didn’t change job to become Minister of Health a few days later because of us.

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Vinteren 2024

Zahra and Andreas have joined us

Zahra and Andreas have joined us
Andreas gives us an allround helping hand in the lab and Zahra helps us tame and control the “little bugs”

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Image4 1024Image4 1024August 2023

Our product

Scaled-up dewatering solution installed.
Our product looks good.

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Image4 1024July 2023

Summer students

Elise and Amalie are this year’s summer students – welcome (and welcome back to Amalie who joins us for the 2nd time) to a busy few weeks with us.

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April 2023

New and upgraded reactor for our algae production

We have taken into operation a new and upgraded reactor for our algae production.
No pictures this time, sorry.
Thank you to the suppliers who helped with the last push.

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Image4 1024March 2023


Nina joins the team!
Nina comes to us with an MSc in marine biology from Bergen and she likes being in and on water when not helping our algae perform their best.
We also submitted a patent application and are now waiting with curiosity.




Image4 1024March 2023


Nina joins the team!
Nina comes to us with an MSc in marine biology from Bergen and she likes being in and on water when not helping our algae perform their best.
We also submitted a patent application and are now waiting with curiosity.




October 2022

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FjordAlg at Havbruk2022

FjordAlg gave an update at the conference Havbruk 2022 in Bergen.
Thank you for all the good discussions!



September 2022

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Product test completed

The trial of our product on salmon at sea under production conditions is completed and worked very well.
We celebrated with some fish pigmented by our own efforts – very tasty!


June 2022Image4 1024


Summer students arrive

Karianne and Amalie have arrived in Årdal to make sure our wheels keep turning over summer.
Welcome aboard




April 2022Image4 1024

The practical part of the tests of our product at Nord University are complete.

Now it’s over to NTNU to analyse and in a while we will have more documentation on the efficacy of our product.




January 2022

We’ve moved to Årdal Teknologipark – check out our Location page

November 2021
After the successful first test we are starting next round of testing on salmon under production conditions. Results by spring 2022.

October 2021
We went out algae hunting and made some exciting discoveries. Stay tuned. Our specialist will give them the best treatment and they will hopefully grow strong!

September 2021
We’ve finsihed hiring and our expanded team is on site – check our Team page.

August 2021
We’ve completed the first test of our product and demonstrated good efficacy in salmon.

June 2021
The summer students are here!

January 2021
FjordAlg has been awarded an IPN project from the Norwegian Research Council to document the efficacy of our product in salmon. The project will have a duration of two years in collaboration NTNU and Nord University.

Summer 2020
FjordAlg has secured further funding through Innovation Norway and an closed an investor round. We are starting operations at Sitep in Øvre Årdal. We are developing and testing our production process.